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Bhagavat Gita - a Self Development Tool

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Thursday, January 15, 2009


Oh man! Listen here oh man
By the grace of
God be with you
At luckily moment
God be with you
What will be will be
By the grace of God
From day to day
Give place to your betters
With courage and faith
Love conquers all
Oh! Man attend you what you do
Oh! Man beware what you say
When and whom
This is labor, this is toil
I think therefore I exist!

Monday, January 12, 2009

The basic of salesman

If we as a salesman want to sell a product to any customer so he should focus his mind in the following four basic point:
1. What is the basic needs of the customer?
2. What is his wish or interest?
3. What is the weak point of the customer?
4. How a salesman can establish the emotion of customer with the product?

The two words’ Why, and ‘What else’ play a very important role in the process of selling activity.
Some basic tips for salesman:
Listen 80% and Speak 20%
The process of selling depends upon the single thing:-
“Meet the people”

13 Rules of Benjamal Franklin which may bring any person at the top of the world in terms of success:-
1. Patience
2. Listen to someone very politely
3. System
4. Determination
5. Enjoying the concept of economies
6. :Labour
7. Fair dealing
8. Fair judgmental attitude
9. Selection of mid-way
10. Cleanliness
11. Peacefulness
12. Holiness in Behaviour
13. Politeness

“ If you don’t seek Perfection You can never reach excellence”.
The greatest achievement could be for any person is “DREAM SELLING”

Sunday, January 11, 2009




A watery sign and a fiery sign together may not do well .One is highly emotional and other is very aggressive .The moment one looses patience this relation may take wrong turn. So best is to avoid this relationship.
You provide each other enough ground to grow and expand. Both may be very supportive to each other and emotionally attached too. The study find that this match to be very compatible and except good going relationship.
This is a good match for friendship. Together you can give positive outcomes. However if one of you decide to compete with other there can be heartaches and problems. Both may feel restricted and compelled and may not enjoy much of freedom together in the longer run, so best is to avoid going ahead.
Both of you are highly sensitive and fragile when it comes to relationship. If either of you sacrifices too much for the other there can be considerable blame and resentment, so this is being a potent match both have to careful of these factor.
This love relationship can be blind but a real eye opener too. Both will realize that it requires a lot of effort to make each other feel comfortable when it comes to solving issue. Both will need to work harder and there are chances that one of you gives up mid-way. Hence we find too much of tentativeness in the relationship. So best is to avoid it.
The study does not find potential in this relationship. One of you may act very possessive
And dominating whereas other may lose while other may patience in handling such situation .The study reveals that this relationship does not have good potential as there are chances of becoming too direct with each other at times which may hurt feeling and result in distraction.
The relationship has a good chance of growing well. Both may share similar views and both will also be ready to understand each other’s limitations. Generally both will compromise and adjust with each other. Higher level of tolerance is required at both end but both will get well fells.
This relationship has an average emotional needs and temperament are very different at both end .This may create frustration and discomfort at both end. Positively cancer can benefit Sagittarian’s humor and optimism and Sagittarius may learn to acknowledge and accept innermost feelings more fully as a result of being with cancer. Both might have to draw lines to make this work.
Cancer though sometimes irritated by Capricorn’s inexpressiveness or insensitivity is also drawn to Capricorn’s strength and emotional stability. Cancer’s emotion and need often conflicts with Capricorn’s emotional detachment and dry relation.Cancer softness is much needed and appreciated by Capricorn. It is also find that your tacte and preferences are completely different to each other but you love and admire each other very deeply .It is advisable that both of you know each other before you going ahead .If both will love each other deeply there will not be any problem.
Both may have intimate relationship however practical and emotional approaches will always have conflict. Cancerian may find Aquarius to be possessive and inflexible where as Aquarius may find the cancerian to be too emotional and diffucalt to handle with considering this .It is found that the relation is less potential.
Both being emotional may find this relationship is very stimulating but when it comes to sharing responsibilities both may refrain. Responsibilities and routine activity can get much disorganized in your relationship. However both will be very supportive and attached thus..So it is found that this relationship is high potential of survival.

The above study on match compatible with cancerian will certainly help to people to find out the best one of destiny for his life. But never the less most of the things are wiyhin the boundary of you itself so believe in god and do your best to get the relation successful.



Vasudev kutumbkam

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varanasi, U.P, India
Live the life.................

I am trying to put my best effort to explore the new world of knowledge with lots of fun.