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Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
we are all at risk
He was aghast to discover that it was a mousetrap!
Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning, "There is a mouse trap in the house, there is a mouse trap in the house."
The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr. Mouse, I can tell you this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me; I cannot be bothered by it."
The mouse turned to the pig and told him, "There is a mouse trap in the house."
"I am so very sorry Mr. Mouse," sympathized the pig, "but there is nothing I can do about it but pray; be assured that you are in my prayers."
The mouse turned to the cow, who replied, "Like wow, Mr. Mouse, a mouse trap; am I in grave danger, Duh?"
So the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected to face the farmer's mousetrap alone. That very night a sound was heard throughout the house, like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey. The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught.
In the darkness, she did not see that it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital.
She returned home with a fever. Now everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient.
His wife's sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig.
The farmer's wife did not get well, in fact, she died, and so many people came for her funeral the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide meat for all of them to eat.
So the next time you hear that someone is facing a problem and think that it does not concern you, remember that when the least of us is threatened, we are all at risk.
First be sure
No problems for the first few stops, a few people got on, a few got off, and things went generally well.
At the next stop, however, a big hulk of a guy got on. Six feet eight, built like a wrestler, arms hanging down to the ground.
He glared at the driver and said, "Big John doesn't pay!" and sat down at the back.
The driver was five feet three, thin, and basically meek... Naturally, he didn't argue with Big John, but he wasn't happy about it.
The next day the same thing happened -Big John got on again, said "Big John doesn't pay!" and sat down.
And the next day, and the one after that, and so forth.
This irritated the bus driver, who started losing sleep over the way Big John was taking advantage of his size.
Finally he could stand it no longer. He signed up for body building program, karate, judo and all that good stuff.
By the end of the summer, he had become quite strong; So on the next Monday, when Big John got on the bus and said, "Big John doesn't pay!" the driver stood up, glared back and screamed, "And why not?"
With a surprised look on his face, Big John replied, "Big John has a Bus pass."
Moral of the story: First be sure is there a problem before working hard to solve one
The Stone in the Desert

An Arab while crossing a desert came across a huge rock half buried in the sand. Scrawled on the boulder was this inscription:

The Arab felt sure there was a great treasure hidden beneath it and worked mightily to turn it over.
He succeeded after several hours. But there was no treasure there, only an inscription on the underside of the rock.
The Inscription Was
The Miserly Beggar

The king was to pass by a beggar's hut and the man was beside himself with excitement, not because he was about to see the king but because the king was known to part with expensive jewels and huge sums of money when moved by compassion.
He saw the king's chariot just as a kindly man was filling his begging bowl with uncooked rice. Pushing the man aside, he ran into the street, shouting praises of the king and the royal family.
The chariot stopped and the king beckoned to the beggar.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"One of the most unfortunate of your subjects," said the beggar. "Poverty sits on my doorstep and follows me about like a dog. I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon!"
"Have you nothing for your king except a tale of woe?" said the ruler, putting out his hand. "Give me something."
The beggar, astonished, carefully picked up 5 grains of rice from his bowl and laid them on the king's outstretched palm.
The king drove away. The beggar's disappointment was great. He raved and ranted and cursed the king again and again for his miserliness. Finally, his anger spent, he went on his rounds.
When he returned home in the evening he found a bag of rice on the floor.
"Some generous soul has been here," he thought and took out a handful of rice from the bag. To his astonishment there was a small piece of gold in it. He realised then that the bag had been sent by the king. He emptied the rice on the floor, feeling sure there would be more gold pieces in it, and he was right. He found 5, one for each grain of rice he had given the king.
"It is not the king who has been miserly," thought the man, sadly. "If I had been generous and given him the whole bowl of rice, I would have been a rich man today."
Saturday, April 11, 2009
About ten years ago, a young and very successful executive named Josh was traveling down a Chicago neighborhood street. He was going a bit too fast in his sleek, black, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE, which was only two months old.
He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no child darted out, but a brick sailed out and - WHUMP! - it smashed Into the Jag's shiny black side door! SCREECH..!!!! Brakes slammed! Gears ground into reverse, and tires madly spun the Jaguar back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown. Josh jumped out of the car, grabbed the kid and pushed him up against a parked car. He shouted at the kid, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?!" Building up a head of steam, he went on. "That's my new Jag, that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it?"
"Please, mister, please. . . I'm sorry! I didn't know what else to do!" Pleaded the youngster. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop!" Tears were dripping down the boy's chin as he pointed around the parked car. "It's my brother, mister," he said. "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up." Sobbing, the boy asked the executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."
Moved beyond words, the young executive tried desperately to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. Straining, he lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be OK. He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long walk back to the sleek, black, shining, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE -a long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar. He kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. . . Some bricks are softer than others. Feel for the bricks of life coming at to you. For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has positive answers.
The Window"
Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.
The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. And every afternoon when the man in the bed next to the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.
The man in the other bed would live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the outside world. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake, the man had said. Ducks
One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band, he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Unexpectedly, an alien thought entered his head: Why should hehave all the pleasure of seeing everything while I never get to see anything? It didn't seem fair. As the thought fermented, the man felt ashamed at first. But as the days passed and he missed seeing more sights, his envy eroded into resentment and soon turned him sour. He began to brood and found himself unable to sleep. He should be by that window - and that thought now controlled his life.
Late one night, as he lay staring at the ceiling, the man by the window began to cough. He was choking on the fluid in his lungs. The other man watched in the dimly lit room as the struggling man by the window groped for the button to call for help. Listening from across the room, he never moved, never pushed his own button which would have brought the nurse running. In less than five minutes, the coughing and choking stopped, along with the sound of breathing. Now, there was only silence--deathly silence.
The following morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths. When she found the lifeless body of the man by the window, she was saddened and called the hospital attendant to take it away--no words, no fuss. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.
Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it all himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.
Moral of the story:
The pursuit of happiness is a matter of choice...it is a positive attitude we consciously choose to express. It is not a gift that gets delivered to our doorstep each morning, nor does it come through the window. And I am certain that our circumstances are just a small part of what makes us joyful. If we wait for them to get just right, we will never find lasting joy.
The pursuit of happiness is an inward journey. Our minds are like programs, awaiting the code that will determine behaviors; like bank vaults awaiting our deposits. If we regularly deposit positive, encouraging, and uplifting thoughts, if we continue to bite our lips just before we begin to grumble and complain, if we shoot down that seemingly harmless negative thought as it germinates, we will find that there is much to rejoice about.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
motivational sayings & stories - A Box Full of Kisses
The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy."
The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found out the box was empty. He yelled at her, stating, "Don't you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside? The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, "Oh, Daddy, it's not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They're all for you, Daddy."
The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness.
Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and, whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.
In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other possession, anyone could hold, more precious than this.
A short inspirational story :Two frogs
fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit
was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The
two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit
with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop,
that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took
heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down
and died.
The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again,
the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He
jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the
other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to
them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the
entire time.
This story teaches two lessons:
1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging
word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it
through the day.
2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes
to kill them.
Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your
path. The power of words... it is sometimes hard to understand
that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak
words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in
difficult times. Special is the individual who will take the time
to encourage another.
Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."
"Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money."
The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. "I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?"
"Sure," said the farmer.
And with that he let out a whistle,"Here,Dolly!" he called.
Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight.
As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball appeared; this One noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up....
"I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt.
The farmer knelt down at the boy's side and said, "Son, you don't want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would."
With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself To a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, "You see sir, I don't run too well myself, and he will need Someone who understands."
The world is full of people who need someone who understands.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Moral story
An Arab while crossing a desert came across a huge rock half buried in the sand. Scrawled on the boulder was this inscription:
The Arab felt sure there was a great treasure hidden beneath it and worked mightily to turn it over.
He succeeded after several hours. But there was no treasure there, only an inscription on the underside of the rock.
The Inscription Was
There was a lion who feared nothing except the crowing of cocks. A chill would go down his spine whenever he heard a cock crowing.
One day he confessed his fear to the elephant, who was greatly amused.
“How can the crowing of a cock hurt you?” he asked the lion. “Think about it!”
Just then a mosquito began circling the elephant’s head, frightening him out of his wits.
“If it gets into my ear I’m doomed!” he shrieked, flailing at the insect with his trunk.
Now it was the lion’s turn to feel amused.
Moral: If we could see our fears as others see them we would realise that most of our fears make no sense!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
India is one of the fastest growing free market democracy. Having a population of 1.1 billion, the economy is worth of $3trillion and GDP is growing at 8-9%.India would be the fifth largest market by 2025.
Rural India has a population of 790 million and contributes 50% of India’s national Income. Nearly 100 million have been pulled out of poverty in the last 10 years. The earning of rural people in India is $2+/day and will grow nine times to 200 million by 2025.By 2017,Rural consumption levels will equal current Urban levels.
In understanding Rural India ,4As –Awareness ,Availability, Affordability and Acceptability-can be used as marketing framework.
About 40% of the population is illiterate while 50% of the population lives in the media dark areas. There are 16 languages and 432 dialects.
Awareness can be spread through below the line (BTL)communication.
Availability is assured through 47,000 periodic markets. Other touch points include 25,000 fairs and festivals and 7,ooo agriculture markets.
Out of 6,00,000 villages 50% are not connected by motorable road There are by and large 5 shopes in villages.
Women’s Micro-Finance Groups.Individual women take credit from the group to start Income generating activity.
For the 50% villages is not connected by the road ,Uniliver wanted a solution so as to insure deeper reach Enterprising individual women were on the look out for sustainable business opportunities. Project Shakti proved to be a win –win for both .It was co-created by Unilever and Mart.
Under Project shakti, Individual women take up dealership for Unilever brands .There are 35000 shakti dealers at present and the turnover is around $50 million .
Under Integrated Marketing Model using Youth ,educated Rural youth are selected from youth clubs and recruited and trained for marketing corporate brands .These entrepreneurs communicate brand benefit s,merchandize and sell.
Average per capita income is less than $1 per day. Mostly it is irregular income through wage labor. Moreover rural population has limited access to institutional finance. Solution lies in low unit packs at low price points or equated monthly installments (EMIs) offered by market.
More than 50% households are without electricity .Rural marketers have limited understanding of need of rural consumer .The solution lies with local customization .For example, color television with battery backup ,mobile phone with menu in local language, dust cover and torch, and ice box to chill aerated drinks.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Oh man! Listen here oh man
By the grace of
God be with you
At luckily moment
God be with you
What will be will be
By the grace of God
From day to day
Give place to your betters
With courage and faith
Love conquers all
Oh! Man attend you what you do
Oh! Man beware what you say
When and whom
This is labor, this is toil
I think therefore I exist!
Monday, January 12, 2009
The basic of salesman
1. What is the basic needs of the customer?
2. What is his wish or interest?
3. What is the weak point of the customer?
4. How a salesman can establish the emotion of customer with the product?
The two words’ Why, and ‘What else’ play a very important role in the process of selling activity.
Some basic tips for salesman:
Listen 80% and Speak 20%
The process of selling depends upon the single thing:-
“Meet the people”
13 Rules of Benjamal Franklin which may bring any person at the top of the world in terms of success:-
1. Patience
2. Listen to someone very politely
3. System
4. Determination
5. Enjoying the concept of economies
6. :Labour
7. Fair dealing
8. Fair judgmental attitude
9. Selection of mid-way
10. Cleanliness
11. Peacefulness
12. Holiness in Behaviour
13. Politeness
“ If you don’t seek Perfection You can never reach excellence”.
The greatest achievement could be for any person is “DREAM SELLING”
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A watery sign and a fiery sign together may not do well .One is highly emotional and other is very aggressive .The moment one looses patience this relation may take wrong turn. So best is to avoid this relationship.
You provide each other enough ground to grow and expand. Both may be very supportive to each other and emotionally attached too. The study find that this match to be very compatible and except good going relationship.
This is a good match for friendship. Together you can give positive outcomes. However if one of you decide to compete with other there can be heartaches and problems. Both may feel restricted and compelled and may not enjoy much of freedom together in the longer run, so best is to avoid going ahead.
Both of you are highly sensitive and fragile when it comes to relationship. If either of you sacrifices too much for the other there can be considerable blame and resentment, so this is being a potent match both have to careful of these factor.
This love relationship can be blind but a real eye opener too. Both will realize that it requires a lot of effort to make each other feel comfortable when it comes to solving issue. Both will need to work harder and there are chances that one of you gives up mid-way. Hence we find too much of tentativeness in the relationship. So best is to avoid it.
The study does not find potential in this relationship. One of you may act very possessive
And dominating whereas other may lose while other may patience in handling such situation .The study reveals that this relationship does not have good potential as there are chances of becoming too direct with each other at times which may hurt feeling and result in distraction.
The relationship has a good chance of growing well. Both may share similar views and both will also be ready to understand each other’s limitations. Generally both will compromise and adjust with each other. Higher level of tolerance is required at both end but both will get well fells.
This relationship has an average emotional needs and temperament are very different at both end .This may create frustration and discomfort at both end. Positively cancer can benefit Sagittarian’s humor and optimism and Sagittarius may learn to acknowledge and accept innermost feelings more fully as a result of being with cancer. Both might have to draw lines to make this work.
Cancer though sometimes irritated by Capricorn’s inexpressiveness or insensitivity is also drawn to Capricorn’s strength and emotional stability. Cancer’s emotion and need often conflicts with Capricorn’s emotional detachment and dry relation.Cancer softness is much needed and appreciated by Capricorn. It is also find that your tacte and preferences are completely different to each other but you love and admire each other very deeply .It is advisable that both of you know each other before you going ahead .If both will love each other deeply there will not be any problem.
Both may have intimate relationship however practical and emotional approaches will always have conflict. Cancerian may find Aquarius to be possessive and inflexible where as Aquarius may find the cancerian to be too emotional and diffucalt to handle with considering this .It is found that the relation is less potential.
Both being emotional may find this relationship is very stimulating but when it comes to sharing responsibilities both may refrain. Responsibilities and routine activity can get much disorganized in your relationship. However both will be very supportive and attached thus..So it is found that this relationship is high potential of survival.
The above study on match compatible with cancerian will certainly help to people to find out the best one of destiny for his life. But never the less most of the things are wiyhin the boundary of you itself so believe in god and do your best to get the relation successful.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
1. No Breakfast: People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating:It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking :It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar: consumptionToo much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causingmalnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution:The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Sleep Deprivation:Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head covered: While sleeping Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness: Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts:Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely: Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------
The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring , and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver.Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store. We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to "schedule." Because :Evening at 9 - 11 PM : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (detoxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on health. Evening at 11pm - 1 am : is the detoxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state. Early morning 1 - 3 am : detoxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state. Early morning 3 - 5 am : detoxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the detoxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process. Morning 5 - 7am : detoxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.Morning 7 - 9 am : absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30 am , for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30 am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 - 10 am rather than no meal at all. Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4:00 am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood. Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.
...................So do take care of ur health..
GOD BLESS YOU..................
IT in wallmart
It's a very interesting vedio on wallwart showing that how IT is playing a vital role in the success story of wallmart.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Vegetarianism is the fastest growing trend in the developed world. Here are 21 reasons why you should think about turning green too.
Avoiding meat is one of the best and simplest ways to cut down your fat consumption. Modern farm animals are deliberately fattened up to increase profits. Eating fatty meat increases your chances of having a heart attack or developing cancer.
Every minute of every working day, thousands of animals are killed in slaughter-houses. Pain and misery are common. In the US alone, 500,000 animals are killed for meat every hour.
There are millions of cases of food poisoning recorded every year. The vast majority are caused by eating meat.
Meat contains absolutely nothing - no proteins, vitamins or minerals - that the human body cannot obtain perfectly happily from a vegetarian diet.
African countries - where millions are starving to death - export grain to the developed world so that animals can be fattened for our dining tables.
'Meat' can include the tail, head, feet, rectum and spinal cord of an animal.
A sausage can contain ground up intestines. How can anyone be sure that the intestines are empty when they are ground up? Do you really want to eat the content of a pig's intestines?
If we eat the plants we grow instead of feeding them to animals, the world's food shortage will disappear virtually overnight. Remember that 100 acres of land will produce enough beef for 20 people but enough wheat to feed 240 people.
Every day, tens of millions of one-day-old male chicks are killed because they will not be able to lay eggs. There are no rules about how this mass slaughter takes place. Some are crushed or suffocated to death. Many are used for fertiliser or fed to other animals.
Animals who die for your dinner table die alone, in terror, in sadness and in pain. The killing is merciless and inhumane.
It's must easier to become (and stay) slim if you are a vegetarian. (By 'slim', I do not mean 'abnormally slender' or 'underweight' but rather, an absense of excess weight!)
Half the rainforests in the world have been destroyed to clear ground to graze cattle to make beefburgers. The burning of the forests contributes 20% of all green-house gases. Roughtly 1,000 species a year become extinct because of the destruction of the rainforests. Approximately 60 million people a year die of starvation. All those lives could be saved because those people could eat grain used to fatten cattle and other farm animals - if Americans ate 10% less meat.
The world's fresh water shortage is being made worse by animal farming. And meat producers are the biggest polluters of water. It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of meat. If the US meat industry wasn't supported by the taxpayer paying a large proportion of its water costs, then hamburger meat would cost $35 a pound.
If you eat meat, you are consuming hormones that were fed to the animals. No one knows what effect those hormones will have on your health. In some parts of the world, as many as one on four hamburgers contain growth hormones that were originally given to cattle.
The following diseases are commoner among meat eaters: anaemia, appendicitis, arthritis, breast cancer, cancer of the colon, cancer of the prostrate, constipation, diabetes, gallstones, gout, high blood pressure, indigestion, obesity, piles, strokes and varicose veins. Lifelong vegetarians visit hospital 22% less often than meat eaters and for shorter stays. Vegetarians have a 20% lower blood cholestrol level than meat eaters and this reduces heart attack and cancer risks considerably.
Some farmers use tranquillisers to keep animals calm. Other routinely use antibiotics to starve off infection. When you eat meat you are eating those drugs. In America, 55% of all antibiotics are fed to animals and the percentage of staphylococci infections resistant to penicillin went up from 14% in 1960 to 91% in 1988.
In a lifetime, the average meat eater will consumer 36 pigs, 36 sheep and 750 chickens and turkeys. Do you want that much carnage on your conscience?
Animals suffer from pain and fear just as much as you do. How would you like to spend your last hours locked in a truck, packed into a cage with hundreds of other terrified animal and then cruelly pushed into a blood soaked death chamber. Anyone who eats meat condones and supports the way animals are treated.
Animals which are a year old are often far more rational - and capable of logical thought - than six week old babies. Pigs and sheep are far more intelligent than small children. Eating dead animals is barbaric.
Vegetarians are fitter than meat eaters. many of the world's most successful athletes are vegetarian.
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Vasudev kutumbkam
I am trying to put my best effort to explore the new world of knowledge with lots of fun.